
Access the Summer Sizzler Sale

Complete the form below to enter the Hydropool Bristol Summer Sizzler and Ex-Display Sale items, unlock prices, and receive our latest brochures!

Here are some savings you can expect:

  • Hydropool Self-Cleaning Hot Tubs – Save up to £3,326
  • Hydropool Serenity Hot Tubs – Save up to £3,539
  • Hydropool Family Fun Pools – Save up to £2,780
  • Dream Maker Hot Tubs – Save £1,676
  • Hydropool Self-Cleaning Swim Spas – Save up to £9,464

Complete the form below to access all sale items, the ex-display pricelist, and our 2024 brochures.

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    Hydropool Swim Spa 2023 Brochure


    See what our customers said about us

    Adrian Harle

    We are really pleased with the pool and your service, despite the complications with Covid, was excellent. The pool has been used everyday since it was installed, and I have at least one set of friends who really would like one for themselves. My granddaughter, just two, comes over and picks up my flip-flops, and says “big Paa-Poo wow!”, (paddling pool) to indicate that she wants a swim.

    Adrian Harle
    Sarah Steer

    ...The installation was a lot more straight forward than I thought it would be and when Adam came to commission the pool , he gave us an EXCELLENT talk on all aspects of the controls and the maintenance requirements plus the chemical requirements. I recorded the talk so I could review as there is a lot to learn, however, it has only taken a couple of weeks and I know feel confident in enjoying the pool and how to look after it! Eloise has also been really helpful with questions and queries throughout the process of buying, installing and aftercare. As for the spa itself well it has changed our lifestyle dramatically . ...

    Sarah Steer
    Kim Shannon

    I visited Hydropool Bristol and the staff were so helpful and welcoming, with such an impressive range of spas. The knowledge from the team was amazing and really helped me make my decision. I would highly recommend Hydropool Bristol, it’s high quality spas and wonderful aftercare. The team and the whole experience has been superb! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Kim Shannon
    Victoria Connell

    Fantastic experience of purchasing a swim spa from Bristol hydro pool!! . Really professional service from the team, they were very helpful with advice in the fab show room, very knowledgeable about the whole range & provided a 5 star service right through to installation & after care. Would highly recommend.

    Victoria Connell

    By far and away the best retailer in the region for hot tubs. The products are first rate and the staff couldn’t be more knowledgeable and friendly. I wouldn’t have purchased from anyone else.

    Mike Prudden

    This review in not as a customer but from someone who needed help when feeling unwell and faint when on a car journey with my young son. The staff were AMAZING and such kind and genuine people. On behalf of myself and my family I thank them from the bottom of my heart and feel they deserve much success and prosperity! Alan


    We have now had our Hydropool for 18 months and it has only been turned off for a service. We, and everyone else enjoy a dip in the Summer, but for us, the Winter is far more exhilarating, even when it was snowing. The time spent in the hot massaging jets of water allows one time to relax, and enjoy each others company.

    Stewart Seago

    The only place to buy a hot tub in the South West!

    Mindmaps Wellbeing Ltd